Monday, 27 May 2013

Choosing your team the Buildsmart way

Too often, what happens when you're ready to start a renovation project, either through buying and rehabilitating a distressed property, or adding value to an existing one is that you don't take the time to identify the best people for the jobs at hand. Some preliminary pleasantries are exchanged and then they’re retained. Locating the professionals for your team is only the first step in the process.

The critical next step and one that is usually overlooked, is conducting a rigorous interview to determine if these professionals have the skill set and knowledge to really help you in this transaction.

Imagine you’re conducting a job interview. What you’re trying to find out is, if the person being interviewed has the skill set to do the job. Additionally, it helps if they are someone you want to work with.

Would you hire someone just because your kids were on the same soccer team? Because you both collect old type writers ? Because they were cute? Of course not, (for your sake, I really hope so), then why not apply the same rigor in choosing your real estate (Buildsmart) team.

Buildsmart tip: Select your team with the same rigor you’d hire at your company

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